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  • Animal Assisted Interventions

    Highlighting the importance of the human animal bond.

    TheraPaws specialises in three types of Animal Assisted Interventions.

    "Any intervention that intentionally includes or incorporates animals as part of a therapeutic or ameliorative process of milieu."
    (Kruger and Serpell, 2006)

    Animal Assisted Activities (AAA)

    These activities can include any form of human-animal interactions that focus on helping to improve quality of life.

    Our TheraPaws volunteers and their dogs visit care homes, hospitals, hospices and corporate workplaces to improve people's well-being through animal assisted activities.

    Collaborative-Animal Assisted Therapy (C-AAT)

    Our TheraPaws dogs play an integral role in Collaborative-Animal Assisted Therapy. This form of therapy is goal-directed, and is designed to promote improvements in physical, social, emotional or cognitive function.

    We visit places such as mental health centres, hospitals and support groups. We plan these visits in advance, and a qualified therapist or healthcare professional works with us. All visits are documented, evaluated and measured.

    Collaborative-Animal Assisted Education (AAE)

    Our TheraPaws dogs and their owners play an important role in the education and learning process of Collaborative-Animal Assisted Education programmes. This is a goal-directed intervention. We plan all of these visits in advance, and a qualified teacher or education/healthcare professional works with us.

    All visits are documented, evaluated and measured, and our visits include Special Education Needs schools and educational centres.